Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Chris Schnobrick of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – Justus Giglietti of Viera
- 3rd Place – Khadim Lo of Finneytown
- 4th Place – Caden Robbins of Seabreeze
- 5th Place – Daniel Valencia-Martin of Deland
- 6th Place – Case Mangini of Space Coast
- 7th Place – Tyler White of Bayside
- 8th Place – Deegan Oliver of Seabreeze
Round 1
- Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. over Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 1:37)
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. (MD 12-1)
- Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. over Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. (Fall 1:04)
- Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 0:17)
Round 2
- Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 1:11)
- Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. over Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 0:22)
- Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. over Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. (Fall 0:46)
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. (Fall 2:47)
Round 3
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. (Dec 7-3)
- Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. over Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. (Fall 1:15)
- Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. over Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 0:20)
- Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 1:08)
Round 4
- Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. over Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. (Fall 4:44)
- Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 2:33)
- Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. over Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 1:07)
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. (For.)
Round 5
- Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. over Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. (Fall 0:45)
- Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. over Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. (Fall 1:37)
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 2:41)
- Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. over Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 2:49)
Round 6
- Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. over Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. (For.)
- Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. over Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. (Fall 1:19)
- Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 3:18)
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 1:29)
Round 7
- Justus Giglietti (Viera) 24-14, Fr. over Khadim Lo (Finneytown) 20-10, So. (For.)
- Chris Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Fr. over Case Mangini (Space Coast) 13-14, 7th. (Fall 1:29)
- Tyler White (Bayside) 1-6, Fr. over Deegan Oliver (Seabreeze) 0-7, Fr. (Fall 4:20)
- Caden Robbins (Seabreeze) 4-3, So. over Daniel Valencia-Martin (Deland) 3-4, Jr. (For.)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Alex Schnobrick of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – Makana Tieri of Viera
- 3rd Place – Ashton Swanson of Space Coast
- 4th Place – Grace Lashinsky of Deland
- 5th Place – Anthony Rice of Astronaut
- 6th Place – Rian Dufrene of Space Coast
- 7th Place – Evan Bobak of Seabreeze
- 8th Place – Parker Ryan of Seabreeze
Round 1
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. (Dec 6-2)
- Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. over Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. (Fall 1:32)
- Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. over Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 2:58)
- Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (Fall 0:15)
Round 2
- Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (Fall 0:44)
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. (Dec 9-3)
- Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. over Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. (Fall 0:50)
- Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. over Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 0:32)
Round 3
- Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. over Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. (SV-1 6-4)
- Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. over Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. (Fall 0:49)
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. (Fall 1:56)
- Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (Fall 0:30)
Round 4
- Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. over Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. (For.)
- Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (Fall 0:59)
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. (Fall 1:08)
- Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. over Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. (Fall 4:55)
Round 5
- Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. over Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. (Fall 3:45)
- Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. over Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. (Fall 1:03)
- Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (Fall 0:16)
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. (For.)
Round 6
- Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. over Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. (Fall 1:57)
- Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. over Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. (For.)
- Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (Fall 0:34)
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. (Fall 5:10)
Round 7
- Makana Tieri (Viera) 32-9, So. over Ashton Swanson (Space Coast) 19-8, Fr. (Dec 7-6)
- Grace Lashinsky (Deland) 4-3, Jr. over Rian Dufrene (Space Coast) 11-16, 8th. (Fall 3:18)
- Alex Schnobrick (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Sr. over Parker Ryan (Seabreeze) 0-7, So. (For.)
- Anthony Rice (Astronaut) 3-4, So. over Evan Bobak (Seabreeze) 1-6, Fr. (For.)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Alex Giglietti of Viera
- 2nd Place – Tyler Bracero of Deland
- 3rd Place – Walt Munoz of Olympic Heights
- 4th Place – Mason Boni of Olympic Heights
- 5th Place – Hunter Owens of Deland
- 6th Place – Jayce Gainer of Seabreeze
- 7th Place – Nate Webster of Space Coast
- 8th Place – William Baker of Titusville
- 9th Place – Jamie Taylor of Lyman
- 10th Place – Noel Garcia of Bayside
- 11th Place – Christian Guerroro of Astronaut
- 12th Place – Carlos Fuentes of Finneytown
1st Place Match
- Alex Giglietti (Viera) 37-6, Jr. over Tyler Bracero (Deland) 7-1, Jr. (MD 9-1)
3rd Place Match
- Walt Munoz (Olympic Heights) 6-2, Jr. over Mason Boni (Olympic Heights) 5-3, Jr. (Dec 6-4)
5th Place Match
- Hunter Owens (Deland) 5-3, So. over Jayce Gainer (Seabreeze) 3-5, So. (Fall 1:45)
7th Place Match
- Nate Webster (Space Coast) 18-11, 7th. over William Baker (Titusville) 12-9, . (For.)
9th Place Match
- Jamie Taylor (Lyman) 13-10, Jr. over Noel Garcia (Bayside) 2-5, So. (Fall 4:49)
11th Place Match
- Christian Guerroro (Astronaut) 1-6, Jr. over Carlos Fuentes (Finneytown) 8-17, Fr. (Fall 0:20)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Luke Agcaoili of Viera
- 2nd Place – David Birdsey of Deland
- 3rd Place – William Sites of Seabreeze
- 4th Place – Riley Taylor of Space Coast
- 5th Place – Fabio Eltringham of Olympic Heights
- 6th Place – Gavin Trillich of Astronaut
- 7th Place – Daniel Delaporte of Astronaut
- 8th Place – Luke Nilles of Lyman
- 9th Place – Wynne Rathburn of Titusville
- 10th Place – Austin Pattillo of Bayside
- 11th Place – Damarrea Tinnel of Titusville
1st Place Match
- Luke Agcaoili (Viera) 34-6, Jr. over David Birdsey (Deland) 7-1, Jr. (MD 15-7)
3rd Place Match
- William Sites (Seabreeze) 6-2, Jr. over Riley Taylor (Space Coast) 15-9, Sr. (M. For.)
5th Place Match
- Fabio Eltringham (Olympic Heights) 4-4, So. over Gavin Trillich (Astronaut) 2-5, Fr. (Fall 2:51)
7th Place Match
- Daniel Delaporte (Astronaut) 3-4, Sr. over Luke Nilles (Lyman) 19-11, Jr. (For.)
9th Place Match
- Wynne Rathburn (Titusville) 6-13, So. over Austin Pattillo (Bayside) 1-3, Sr. (M. For.)
11th Place Match
- Damarrea Tinnel (Titusville) 1-7, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Christian Bonilla of Lyman
- 2nd Place – Ian Drake of Ridge Community
- 3rd Place – Presten Pineiro of Astronaut
- 4th Place – Adriano Garavito of Olympic Heights
- 5th Place – Christian Arrasmith of Bayside
- 6th Place – Shane Triplett of Seabreeze
- 7th Place – Evin Scott of Deland
Round 1
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. (Fall 1:23)
- Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. over Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. (Fall 0:41)
- Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. over Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. (Fall 0:39)
- Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
Round 2
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. (Dec 9-4)
- Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. over Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. (Fall 1:20)
- Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. over () , . (Bye)
- Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. over Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. (Fall 0:58)
Round 3
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. (Fall 0:29)
- Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. over Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. (Fall 0:59)
- Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. over () , . (Bye)
- Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. over Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. (Fall 0:27)
Round 4
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. (Fall 1:07)
- Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. over Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. (MD 15-4)
- Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. over Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. (Dec 15-8)
- Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
Round 5
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. (TF-1.5 2:15 (16-1))
- Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. over Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. (Fall 2:59)
- Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. over Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. (Fall 1:53)
Round 6
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over () , . (Bye)
- Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. over Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. (Fall 0:54)
- Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. over Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. (Fall 2:19)
- Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. over Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. (TF-1.5 4:31 (23-5))
Round 7
- Christian Bonilla (Lyman) 36-6, So. over Presten Pineiro (Astronaut) 4-2, Sr. (Dec 7-6)
- Adriano Garavito (Olympic Heights) 3-3, Fr. over Evin Scott (Deland) 0-6, So. (Fall 1:43)
- Ian Drake (Ridge Community) 5-1, Sr. over Christian Arrasmith (Bayside) 2-4, So. (Fall 2:24)
- Shane Triplett (Seabreeze) 1-5, So. over () , . (Bye)
132 B
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Adriel Pina of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – Saroj Gurung of Finneytown
- 3rd Place – Copper Mangini of Titusville
- 4th Place – Camren Baker of Viera
- 5th Place – Ethan Bates of Seabreeze
- 6th Place – Levi Anderson of Astronaut
- 7th Place – Aidan Jarrett of Space Coast
Round 1
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. (Fall 2:35)
- Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. over Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . (MD 11-3)
- Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. over Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. (TF-1.5 4:32 (16-1))
- Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
Round 2
- Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. over Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. (Dec 12-6)
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. (Fall 4:38)
- Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. over () , . (Bye)
- Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . over Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. (Fall 3:04)
Round 3
- Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . over Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. (Fall 3:19)
- Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. over Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. (Fall 1:07)
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. over Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 1:15)
Round 4
- Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. over Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. (Fall 2:14)
- Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. over Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 5:39)
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. (Fall 2:15)
- Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . over () , . (Bye)
Round 5
- Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. over Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. (Fall 1:21)
- Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
- Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. over Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . (MD 12-3)
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. (Fall 3:31)
Round 6
- Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. over Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. (Dec 6-1)
- Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. over Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. (Fall 1:59)
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . (TF-1.5 3:10 (17-1))
Round 7
- Saroj Gurung (Finneytown) 22-11, Fr. over Camren Baker (Viera) 17-9, Jr. (Fall 2:59)
- Copper Mangini (Titusville) 8-9, . over Aidan Jarrett (Space Coast) 11-13, So. (Fall 3:40)
- Adriel Pina (Olympic Heights) 6-0, Sr. over Levi Anderson (Astronaut) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 3:18)
- Ethan Bates (Seabreeze) 3-3, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Derrick Davison of Viera
- 2nd Place – Philip Antico of Olympic Heights
- 3rd Place – Drayton Gamradt of Space Coast
- 4th Place – Peyton Senez of Deland
- 5th Place – Eric Williams of Titusville
- 6th Place – Nathaniel Matthews of Lyman
- 7th Place – Michael Francis of Bayside
- 8th Place – Drake Small of Astronaut
- 9th Place – Cash Kurz of Seabreeze
- 10th Place – Xavier Arbelaez of Astronaut
- 11th Place – Gavin Getz of Seabreeze
- 12th Place – Abdul-Aziz Mu`Min III of Finneytown
1st Place Match
- Derrick Davison (Viera) 30-9, Sr. over Philip Antico (Olympic Heights) 7-1, Sr. (Dec 6-5)
3rd Place Match
- Drayton Gamradt (Space Coast) 23-10, So. over Peyton Senez (Deland) 5-3, Jr. (Dec 17-13)
5th Place Match
- Eric Williams (Titusville) 18-6, So. over Nathaniel Matthews (Lyman) 17-17, Jr. (MD 15-7)
7th Place Match
- Michael Francis (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. over Drake Small (Astronaut) 3-5, So. (Fall 3:25)
9th Place Match
- Cash Kurz (Seabreeze) 3-4, So. over Xavier Arbelaez (Astronaut) 1-6, Fr. (Fall 0:00)
11th Place Match
- Gavin Getz (Seabreeze) 1-6, So. over Abdul-Aziz Mu`Min III (Finneytown) 14-10, Fr. (M. For.)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Cameron Popeck of Lyman
- 2nd Place – Elan Bennett of Viera
- 3rd Place – Landon Morgan of Titusville
- 4th Place – Austin Schneider of Olympic Heights
- 5th Place – Chris McDonel of Space Coast
- 6th Place – Russell Barnes of Viera
- 7th Place – Kirk Dorton of Deland
- 8th Place – Logan Futch of Astronaut
- 9th Place – Andrew Ibonnet of Bayside
- 10th Place – Vickram Gurjar of Seabreeze
Round 1
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. (TF-1.5 3:24 (20-3))
- Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (Fall 1:16)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (Fall 1:15)
- Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 1:05)
- Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. over Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. (Fall 3:45)
Round 2
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 1:33)
- Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (Fall 1:02)
- Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. over Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. (TF-1.5 5:02 (17-2))
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. (Fall 3:05)
- Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (Fall 1:07)
Round 3
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. (Fall 1:55)
- Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. over Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. (Dec 7-5)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. (Fall 3:07)
- Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 1:21)
- Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (Fall 0:38)
Round 4
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (Fall 0:40)
- Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. over Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. (TF-1.5 4:21 (18-3))
- Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (Fall 1:26)
- Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 0:44)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. (Dec 8-5)
Round 5
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (Fall 2:13)
- Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. over Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. (Dec 12-5)
- Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 2:54)
- Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. over Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. (Fall 0:52)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (For.)
Round 6
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. (Fall 2:42)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. (MD 18-5)
- Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. over Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. (Fall 0:49)
- Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (For.)
- Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 0:32)
Round 7
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. (Fall 3:22)
- Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (For.)
- Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (Fall 2:48)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 2:00)
- Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. over Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. (Fall 1:58)
Round 8
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. (Dec 13-8)
- Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. over Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. (Fall 1:16)
- Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (Fall 1:10)
- Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (For.)
- Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. over Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. (Fall 0:59)
Round 9
- Cameron Popeck (Lyman) 38-5, Jr. over Elan Bennett (Viera) 35-8, Sr. (Fall 5:52)
- Chris McDonel (Space Coast) 13-6, Jr. over Landon Morgan (Titusville) 17-8, Sr. (Fall 1:44)
- Russell Barnes (Viera) 6-10, Jr. over Kirk Dorton (Deland) 3-6, Jr. (TF-1.5 5:50 (19-4))
- Austin Schneider (Olympic Heights) 6-3, Jr. over Logan Futch (Astronaut) 2-7, Fr. (For.)
- Andrew Ibonnet (Bayside) 1-8, Jr. over Vickram Gurjar (Seabreeze) 0-9, Sr. (For.)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Brian Mitchell of Viera
- 2nd Place – Matt Archambault of Olympic Heights
- 3rd Place – Jackson Fredrickson of Lyman
- 4th Place – Mason Himmelfarb of Bayside
- 5th Place – Antonio Serrano of Seabreeze
- 6th Place – Andru Jones of Deland
- 7th Place – Pierce Burke of Bayside
- 8th Place – Ni`jel Barkins of Titusville
Round 1
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. (Fall 3:53)
- Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. over Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. (MD 16-7)
- Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. over Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. (Fall 5:09)
- Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. over Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. (Fall 3:52)
Round 2
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. (Fall 1:57)
- Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. over Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. (Fall 3:06)
- Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. over Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. (Inj. 5:49)
- Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. over Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. (Fall 1:55)
Round 3
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. (Dec 3-2)
- Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. over Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 1:05)
- Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. over Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 1:12)
- Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. over Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. (Fall 1:18)
Round 4
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. (Fall 0:44)
- Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. over Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. (Fall 2:54)
- Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. over Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. (For.)
- Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. over Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 4:20)
Round 5
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 1:20)
- Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. over Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 1:56)
- Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. over Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. (Fall 1:39)
- Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. over Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. (For.)
Round 6
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. (For.)
- Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. over Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. (Fall 0:00)
- Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. over Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 0:59)
- Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. over Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. (For.)
Round 7
- Brian Mitchell (Viera) 38-3, Sr. over Jackson Fredrickson (Lyman) 32-15, Sr. (TF-1.5 4:15 (17-2))
- Matt Archambault (Olympic Heights) 6-1, Sr. over Andru Jones (Deland) 2-5, Jr. (Fall 1:07)
- Mason Himmelfarb (Bayside) 3-4, Jr. over Ni`jel Barkins (Titusville) 1-6, Sr. (For.)
- Pierce Burke (Bayside) 2-5, So. over Antonio Serrano (Seabreeze) 2-5, Jr. (For.)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Joshua Folsom of Deland
- 2nd Place – Edwin Torres of Viera
- 3rd Place – Elias Enzner of Olympic Heights
- 4th Place – Brady Volz of Finneytown
- 5th Place – Kole Gamble of Space Coast
- 6th Place – Luca Priami of Viera
- 7th Place – Samuel Moore of Seabreeze
- 8th Place – Skylar Carroll of Astronaut
- 9th Place – Mason Smith of Titusville
- 10th Place – Aiden Meidel of Finneytown
- 11th Place – Jayden Aikey of Astronaut
1st Place Match
- Joshua Folsom (Deland) 8-0, Jr. over Edwin Torres (Viera) 38-4, Jr. (Dec 6-3)
3rd Place Match
- Elias Enzner (Olympic Heights) 4-3, So. over Brady Volz (Finneytown) 4-3, So. (For.)
5th Place Match
- Kole Gamble (Space Coast) 21-7, So. over Luca Priami (Viera) 8-6, Sr. (Fall 1:35)
7th Place Match
- Samuel Moore (Seabreeze) 3-5, So. over Skylar Carroll (Astronaut) 1-6, Fr. (For.)
9th Place Match
- Mason Smith (Titusville) 2-9, . over Aiden Meidel (Finneytown) 1-7, Fr. (M. For.)
11th Place Match
- Jayden Aikey (Astronaut) 0-6, So. over () , . (Bye)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Stefan Povsic of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – Christopher Bryant of Titusville
- 3rd Place – Evan Enrique of Viera
- 4th Place – Julio Menoyo of Lyman
- 5th Place – Johnny Emert of Viera
- 6th Place – Justice Hield of Bayside
- 7th Place – Rigaud Pierre of Deland
- 8th Place – Ryan Santos of Bayside
- 9th Place – EJ Clouser of Space Coast
Round 1
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. (Fall 5:29)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (TF-1.5 2:46 (18-3))
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. over Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. (Fall 3:38)
- Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (SV-1 12-10)
Round 2
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. (Fall 3:24)
- Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (Fall 0:46)
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. (MD 18-6)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. (MD 10-0)
Round 3
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. (Dec 6-2)
- Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. over Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 3:41)
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (Fall 1:23)
- Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (Fall 5:16)
Round 4
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. (Fall 3:34)
- Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (Fall 0:35)
- Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. over Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. (Dec 1-0)
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (MD 18-5)
Round 5
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (Fall 0:39)
- Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. over Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 1:29)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. (Fall 1:29)
Round 6
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. (MD 14-0)
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. (Dec 13-9)
- Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (Fall 3:55)
Round 7
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. (Dec 10-4)
- Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. (Dec 9-4)
- Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (Fall 5:06)
Round 8
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. (Dec 11-8)
- Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. over Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. (Fall 1:22)
- EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. (Fall 2:00)
- Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. over Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. (Dec 4-2)
Round 9
- Christopher Bryant (Titusville) 21-6, Sr. over Evan Enrique (Viera) 20-11, Sr. (Fall 3:00)
- Julio Menoyo (Lyman) 20-15, Jr. over Johnny Emert (Viera) 18-14, Jr. (SV-1 8-6)
- Rigaud Pierre (Deland) 2-6, Jr. over EJ Clouser (Space Coast) 6-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Ryan Santos (Bayside) 1-7, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Stefan Povsic (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Sr. over Justice Hield (Bayside) 3-5, Jr. (Fall 3:31)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Gabe Dellarciprete of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – Mason Perkins of Deland
- 3rd Place – Luis Abraham of Viera
- 4th Place – Ronald Leger of Olympic Heights
- 5th Place – Tramund Robinson of Deland
- 6th Place – Ryker Tomas of Viera
- 7th Place – Gavin Oppelt of Bayside
- 8th Place – Reece Tripp of Space Coast
Round 1
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 0:56)
- Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. over Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. (Fall 2:40)
- Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. over Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. (Dec 6-3)
- Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. over Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. (Fall 1:01)
Round 2
- Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 0:45)
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. (Fall 2:58)
- Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. over Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. (Fall 4:51)
- Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. over Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. (Dec 6-5)
Round 3
- Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 1:03)
- Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. over Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. (Dec 3-2)
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. (Fall 3:39)
- Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. over Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. (Dec 18-11)
Round 4
- Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 2:41)
- Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. over Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. (Dec 11-5)
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. (UTB 8-7)
- Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. over Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. (Fall 4:37)
Round 5
- Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 1:32)
- Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. over Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. (Fall 3:29)
- Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. over Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. (Fall 1:50)
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. (Dec 6-2)
Round 6
- Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 2:52)
- Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. over Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. (MD 17-8)
- Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. over Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. (Dec 9-5)
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. (Dec 7-1)
Round 7
- Luis Abraham (Viera) 13-10, Sr. over Reece Tripp (Space Coast) 4-9, Sr. (Fall 2:42)
- Mason Perkins (Deland) 4-3, Sr. over Ryker Tomas (Viera) 11-12, Fr. (Fall 3:38)
- Gabe Dellarciprete (Olympic Heights) 7-0, Jr. over Tramund Robinson (Deland) 4-3, 1st. (Dec 3-2)
- Ronald Leger (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Sr. over Gavin Oppelt (Bayside) 2-5, Sr. (Fall 5:39)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Mason Alsobrook of Space Coast
- 2nd Place – Tylandis McNeil of Finneytown
- 3rd Place – Trevor Cisneros of Olympic Heights
- 4th Place – Kylen Oye of Bayside
- 5th Place – Brogan Kelly of Seabreeze
- 6th Place – Anthony Gisondi of Astronaut
- 7th Place – Steven Tolentino of Titusville
Round 1
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. (Fall 2:31)
- Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. over Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. (Fall 2:58)
- Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. over Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. (Fall 1:29)
- Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. over () , . (Bye)
Round 2
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. (Fall 2:21)
- Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. over Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. (Fall 0:39)
- Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
- Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. over Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 2:55)
Round 3
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. (Fall 1:30)
- Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. over Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. (Fall 1:05)
- Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. over Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 1:44)
Round 4
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 1:15)
- Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. over Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. (Fall 2:43)
- Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. over Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. (Fall 1:16)
- Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
Round 5
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. (Fall 2:12)
- Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
- Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. over Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. (Fall 2:20)
- Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. over Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. (Fall 1:42)
Round 6
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
- Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. over Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. (Fall 1:43)
- Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. over Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. (Fall 2:27)
- Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. over Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. (Fall 0:39)
Round 7
- Mason Alsobrook (Space Coast) 23-2, Jr. over Tylandis McNeil (Finneytown) 17-6, Fr. (Fall 0:54)
- Trevor Cisneros (Olympic Heights) 4-2, Sr. over Anthony Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-5, Fr. (Fall 0:20)
- Kylen Oye (Bayside) 3-3, So. over Steven Tolentino (Titusville) 0-6, Jr. (Fall 0:25)
- Brogan Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-4, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
190 B
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Jordan Hayes of Viera
- 2nd Place – Garrett Perkins of Deland
- 3rd Place – Preston Ricks of Olympic Heights
- 4th Place – Logan Churchel of Bayside
- 5th Place – Aaron Smith-Torres of Finneytown B
- 6th Place – Forfeit Forfeit of Unattached
- 6th Place – Carter Creel of Titusville
Round 1
- Jordan Hayes (Viera) 35-3, Sr. over Logan Churchel (Bayside) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 0:47)
- Garrett Perkins (Deland) 4-1, Sr. over Aaron Smith-Torres (Finneytown B) 4-10, Sr. (Dec 9-6)
- Preston Ricks (Olympic Heights) 3-2, So. over Carter Creel (Titusville) 0-5, . (Fall 1:46)
Round 2
- Jordan Hayes (Viera) 35-3, Sr. over Carter Creel (Titusville) 0-5, . (For.)
- Preston Ricks (Olympic Heights) 3-2, So. over Aaron Smith-Torres (Finneytown B) 4-10, Sr. (Fall 2:21)
- Garrett Perkins (Deland) 4-1, Sr. over Logan Churchel (Bayside) 2-3, Sr. (Dec 4-3)
Round 3
- Jordan Hayes (Viera) 35-3, Sr. over Preston Ricks (Olympic Heights) 3-2, So. (Fall 1:20)
- Logan Churchel (Bayside) 2-3, Sr. over Aaron Smith-Torres (Finneytown B) 4-10, Sr. (For.)
- Garrett Perkins (Deland) 4-1, Sr. over Carter Creel (Titusville) 0-5, . (For.)
Round 4
- Jordan Hayes (Viera) 35-3, Sr. over Garrett Perkins (Deland) 4-1, Sr. (Fall 1:12)
- Carter Creel (Titusville) 0-5, . over Aaron Smith-Torres (Finneytown B) 4-10, Sr. (DFF)
- Preston Ricks (Olympic Heights) 3-2, So. over Logan Churchel (Bayside) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 5:57)
Round 5
- Jordan Hayes (Viera) 35-3, Sr. over Aaron Smith-Torres (Finneytown B) 4-10, Sr. (For.)
- Garrett Perkins (Deland) 4-1, Sr. over Preston Ricks (Olympic Heights) 3-2, So. (Fall 5:01)
- Logan Churchel (Bayside) 2-3, Sr. over Carter Creel (Titusville) 0-5, . (For.)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Nick Boselli of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – Payton Maynard of Bayside
- 3rd Place – Ben Morris of Deland
- 4th Place – Luca Maldonado of Viera
- 5th Place – Justen Joseph of Space Coast
- 6th Place – Daziah Roberts of Finneytown B
- 7th Place – Diallo Hankerson of Finneytown B
- 8th Place – James Paudel of Finneytown
- 9th Place – Henry Hulslander of Space Coast
Round 1
- James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. over Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. (Fall 0:12)
- Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. (Fall 2:51)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. (TF-1.5 2:00 (17-2))
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (Fall 0:39)
Round 2
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. (Fall 5:04)
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. (Fall 2:00)
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. (Fall 1:41)
- Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (Fall 3:09)
- Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. over () , . (Bye)
Round 3
- Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. over Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. (Fall 0:57)
- James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (Fall 0:41)
- Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. over Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. (Dec 11-5)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. (Dec 10-6)
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
Round 4
- Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. over () , . (Bye)
- Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. over James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. (For.)
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. (Fall 0:16)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. (Fall 1:28)
Round 5
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. (Fall 0:17)
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. (For.)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. (Fall 1:58)
- Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
Round 6
- Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. over James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. (For.)
- Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. over Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. (Fall 2:41)
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over () , . (Bye)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. (SV-1 9-7)
Round 7
- Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. over Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. (Fall 1:53)
- James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. over () , . (Bye)
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. (Fall 3:03)
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. (Fall 0:37)
Round 8
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. (For.)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. (For.)
- Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. over Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. (Fall 1:48)
- Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
- Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. over Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. (For.)
Round 9
- Justen Joseph (Space Coast) 10-9, Fr. over Daziah Roberts (Finneytown B) 8-9, So. (For.)
- Diallo Hankerson (Finneytown B) 6-12, So. over James Paudel (Finneytown) 13-17, So. (For.)
- Luca Maldonado (Viera) 11-19, Sr. over Henry Hulslander (Space Coast) 2-12, Fr. (M. For.)
- Payton Maynard (Bayside) 7-1, Sr. over Ben Morris (Deland) 6-2, Sr. (MD 11-1)
- Nick Boselli (Olympic Heights) 8-0, Jr. over () , . (Bye)
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Devin Johnson of Lyman
- 2nd Place – Luke Cloer of Seabreeze
- 3rd Place – Trenton Honara of Viera
- 4th Place – Gerald Logan of Deland
- 5th Place – Logan St Germaine of Olympic Heights
- 6th Place – Paul Shepherd of Deland
- 7th Place – Guage Gunter of Titusville
- 8th Place – Jemitri Thompson of Finneytown
- 9th Place – Holton Rhodes of Bayside
- 10th Place – Wyatt Perhealth of Bayside
- 11th Place – Carter Quinlan of Space Coast
1st Place Match
- Devin Johnson (Lyman) 21-10, So. over Luke Cloer (Seabreeze) 5-2, Jr. (Dec 6-4)
3rd Place Match
- Trenton Honara (Viera) 23-15, Jr. over Gerald Logan (Deland) 5-3, Fr. (Fall 2:39)
5th Place Match
- Logan St Germaine (Olympic Heights) 4-3, Jr. over Paul Shepherd (Deland) 2-5, So. (Dec 6-4)
7th Place Match
- Guage Gunter (Titusville) 6-14, So. over Jemitri Thompson (Finneytown) 6-7, Sr. (For.)
9th Place Match
- Holton Rhodes (Bayside) 2-5, So. over Wyatt Perhealth (Bayside) 1-5, So. (Fall 2:31)
11th Place Match
- Carter Quinlan (Space Coast) 3-14, Fr. over () , . (Bye)
Girls 100
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Alyvia Gallagher of Palm Bay
- 2nd Place – Zahar Zouaki of Viera
- 3rd Place – Tyara Pinela of Viera
- 4th Place – Annamarie Eder of Cocoa Beach
- 5th Place – Marielana Barnes of Space Coast
- 6th Place – Jadyn Delos Santos of Viera
Round 1
- Zahar Zouaki (Viera) 4-1, Fr. over Jadyn Delos Santos (Viera) 0-5, So. (Fall 0:27)
- Tyara Pinela (Viera) 3-2, Sr. over Marielana Barnes (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 1:16)
- Alyvia Gallagher (Palm Bay) 5-0, . over Annamarie Eder (Cocoa Beach) 2-3, . (Fall 1:27)
Round 2
- Alyvia Gallagher (Palm Bay) 5-0, . over Zahar Zouaki (Viera) 4-1, Fr. (Fall 1:05)
- Tyara Pinela (Viera) 3-2, Sr. over Annamarie Eder (Cocoa Beach) 2-3, . (Fall 1:40)
- Marielana Barnes (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. over Jadyn Delos Santos (Viera) 0-5, So. (Fall 1:30)
Round 3
- Zahar Zouaki (Viera) 4-1, Fr. over Annamarie Eder (Cocoa Beach) 2-3, . (Fall 1:07)
- Tyara Pinela (Viera) 3-2, Sr. over Jadyn Delos Santos (Viera) 0-5, So. (Fall 0:27)
- Alyvia Gallagher (Palm Bay) 5-0, . over Marielana Barnes (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 0:54)
Round 4
- Zahar Zouaki (Viera) 4-1, Fr. over Marielana Barnes (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 1:38)
- Alyvia Gallagher (Palm Bay) 5-0, . over Tyara Pinela (Viera) 3-2, Sr. (Fall 0:50)
- Annamarie Eder (Cocoa Beach) 2-3, . over Jadyn Delos Santos (Viera) 0-5, So. (Fall 0:52)
Round 5
- Zahar Zouaki (Viera) 4-1, Fr. over Tyara Pinela (Viera) 3-2, Sr. (Fall 4:24)
- Annamarie Eder (Cocoa Beach) 2-3, . over Marielana Barnes (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 1:27)
- Alyvia Gallagher (Palm Bay) 5-0, . over Jadyn Delos Santos (Viera) 0-5, So. (Fall 0:57)
Girls 105/110
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Cat Kenney of Viera
- 2nd Place – Haven Kelley of Palm Bay
- 3rd Place – Haylie Thurman of Space Coast
- 4th Place – Joyce Blanc of Palm Bay
- 5th Place – Aralin Pierson of Space Coast
- 6th Place – Elle Bryant of Titusville
Round 1
- Cat Kenney (Viera) 5-0, So. over Elle Bryant (Titusville) 1-4, . (Fall 0:22)
- Haylie Thurman (Space Coast) 2-3, . over Aralin Pierson (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 0:00)
- Haven Kelley (Palm Bay) 4-1, . over Joyce Blanc (Palm Bay) 2-3, . (Fall 0:00)
Round 2
- Cat Kenney (Viera) 5-0, So. over Joyce Blanc (Palm Bay) 2-3, . (Fall 1:45)
- Haven Kelley (Palm Bay) 4-1, . over Aralin Pierson (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 0:28)
- Elle Bryant (Titusville) 1-4, . over Haylie Thurman (Space Coast) 2-3, . (Fall 0:56)
Round 3
- Cat Kenney (Viera) 5-0, So. over Haven Kelley (Palm Bay) 4-1, . (Fall 0:55)
- Aralin Pierson (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. over Elle Bryant (Titusville) 1-4, . (Fall 1:58)
- Haylie Thurman (Space Coast) 2-3, . over Joyce Blanc (Palm Bay) 2-3, . (Fall 0:30)
Round 4
- Cat Kenney (Viera) 5-0, So. over Haylie Thurman (Space Coast) 2-3, . (Fall 0:48)
- Joyce Blanc (Palm Bay) 2-3, . over Aralin Pierson (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 1:19)
- Haven Kelley (Palm Bay) 4-1, . over Elle Bryant (Titusville) 1-4, . (Fall 2:27)
Round 5
- Cat Kenney (Viera) 5-0, So. over Aralin Pierson (Space Coast) 1-4, 7th. (Fall 0:45)
- Haven Kelley (Palm Bay) 4-1, . over Haylie Thurman (Space Coast) 2-3, . (Fall 0:00)
- Joyce Blanc (Palm Bay) 2-3, . over Elle Bryant (Titusville) 1-4, . (Fall 3:46)
Girls 115/120
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – My`Shawanna Tinsley of Finneytown
- 2nd Place – Jahnaya Roman of Viera
- 3rd Place – Gabriella Foston of Finneytown
- 4th Place – Hayden Strong of Space Coast
Round 1
- My`Shawanna Tinsley (Finneytown) 16-4, So. over Hayden Strong (Space Coast) 0-3, . (Fall 0:32)
- Jahnaya Roman (Viera) 2-1, Sr. over Gabriella Foston (Finneytown) 6-13, Fr. (Fall 2:42)
Round 2
- My`Shawanna Tinsley (Finneytown) 16-4, So. over Jahnaya Roman (Viera) 2-1, Sr. (Fall 0:19)
- Gabriella Foston (Finneytown) 6-13, Fr. over Hayden Strong (Space Coast) 0-3, . (Fall 1:24)
Round 3
- My`Shawanna Tinsley (Finneytown) 16-4, So. over Gabriella Foston (Finneytown) 6-13, Fr. (Fall 0:47)
- Jahnaya Roman (Viera) 2-1, Sr. over Hayden Strong (Space Coast) 0-3, . (Fall 1:10)
Girls 125/130
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Isabel Alvarez of Viera
- 2nd Place – Elysse Fredenburg of Cocoa Beach
- 3rd Place – Lacy Pulkinnen of Palm Bay
- 4th Place – Adia McCann of Astronaut
- 5th Place – Raine Flood of Astronaut
- 6th Place – Cerenity Harvey of Titusville
Round 1
- Isabel Alvarez (Viera) 5-0, Jr. over Cerenity Harvey (Titusville) 0-5, . (Fall 0:34)
- Elysse Fredenburg (Cocoa Beach) 4-1, . over Lacy Pulkinnen (Palm Bay) 3-2, . (MD 10-1)
- Adia McCann (Astronaut) 2-3, . over Raine Flood (Astronaut) 1-4, . (Fall 2:58)
Round 2
- Isabel Alvarez (Viera) 5-0, Jr. over Adia McCann (Astronaut) 2-3, . (Fall 2:44)
- Elysse Fredenburg (Cocoa Beach) 4-1, . over Raine Flood (Astronaut) 1-4, . (Fall 2:00)
- Lacy Pulkinnen (Palm Bay) 3-2, . over Cerenity Harvey (Titusville) 0-5, . (Fall 2:56)
Round 3
- Isabel Alvarez (Viera) 5-0, Jr. over Raine Flood (Astronaut) 1-4, . (Fall 1:27)
- Elysse Fredenburg (Cocoa Beach) 4-1, . over Cerenity Harvey (Titusville) 0-5, . (Fall 0:48)
- Lacy Pulkinnen (Palm Bay) 3-2, . over Adia McCann (Astronaut) 2-3, . (Fall 3:18)
Round 4
- Isabel Alvarez (Viera) 5-0, Jr. over Lacy Pulkinnen (Palm Bay) 3-2, . (Fall 1:51)
- Elysse Fredenburg (Cocoa Beach) 4-1, . over Adia McCann (Astronaut) 2-3, . (Fall 1:37)
- Raine Flood (Astronaut) 1-4, . over Cerenity Harvey (Titusville) 0-5, . (Fall 0:57)
Round 5
- Isabel Alvarez (Viera) 5-0, Jr. over Elysse Fredenburg (Cocoa Beach) 4-1, . (Fall 0:57)
- Lacy Pulkinnen (Palm Bay) 3-2, . over Raine Flood (Astronaut) 1-4, . (Fall 3:06)
- Adia McCann (Astronaut) 2-3, . over Cerenity Harvey (Titusville) 0-5, . (Fall 1:31)
Girls 135
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Emma Hoppe of Viera
- 2nd Place – Tamia Young of Palm Bay
- 3rd Place – Rochelle Ross of Finneytown
- 4th Place – Lillian Straessley of Viera
Round 1
- Rochelle Ross (Finneytown) 9-7, So. over Lillian Straessley (Viera) 0-3, So. (Fall 0:40)
- Emma Hoppe (Viera) 3-0, Jr. over Tamia Young (Palm Bay) 2-1, . (MD 11-2)
Round 2
- Tamia Young (Palm Bay) 2-1, . over Rochelle Ross (Finneytown) 9-7, So. (Fall 1:26)
- Emma Hoppe (Viera) 3-0, Jr. over Lillian Straessley (Viera) 0-3, So. (Fall 0:33)
Round 3
- Emma Hoppe (Viera) 3-0, Jr. over Rochelle Ross (Finneytown) 9-7, So. (Fall 0:44)
- Tamia Young (Palm Bay) 2-1, . over Lillian Straessley (Viera) 0-3, So. (Fall 1:29)
Girls 140/145
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Breonna Mangum of Space Coast
- 2nd Place – Desiree Arvelo of Palm Bay
- 3rd Place – Kylie Mangum of Space Coast
- 4th Place – Hailey Cullingford of Viera
Round 1
- Desiree Arvelo (Palm Bay) 2-1, . over Hailey Cullingford (Viera) 0-3, Jr. (Fall 3:51)
- Breonna Mangum (Space Coast) 2-0, . over Kylie Mangum (Space Coast) 1-1, . (NC)
Round 2
- Breonna Mangum (Space Coast) 2-0, . over Hailey Cullingford (Viera) 0-3, Jr. (Fall 0:21)
- Desiree Arvelo (Palm Bay) 2-1, . over Kylie Mangum (Space Coast) 1-1, . (TF-1.5 4:16 (17-2))
Round 3
- Kylie Mangum (Space Coast) 1-1, . over Hailey Cullingford (Viera) 0-3, Jr. (Fall 1:43)
- Breonna Mangum (Space Coast) 2-0, . over Desiree Arvelo (Palm Bay) 2-1, . (Fall 1:04)
Girls 155
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Katherine Nicole Murillo of Finneytown
- 2nd Place – Allyssa Wasmund of Space Coast
- 3rd Place – Kayla Petro of Space Coast
Round 1
- Allyssa Wasmund (Space Coast) 1-1, . over Kayla Petro (Space Coast) 0-2, . (Fall 1:55)
Round 2
- Katherine Nicole Murillo (Finneytown) 12-9, Jr. over Kayla Petro (Space Coast) 0-2, . (Fall 1:34)
Round 3
- Katherine Nicole Murillo (Finneytown) 12-9, Jr. over Allyssa Wasmund (Space Coast) 1-1, . (Fall 5:24)
Girls 170/190
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – Alicia Ramieriz of Finneytown
- 2nd Place – Tristan Bryd of Space Coast
- 3rd Place – Jasmin Harbin of Astronaut
Round 1
- Tristan Bryd (Space Coast) 1-1, . over Jasmin Harbin (Astronaut) 0-2, . (Fall 2:14)
Round 2
- Alicia Ramieriz (Finneytown) 6-6, Fr. over Jasmin Harbin (Astronaut) 0-2, . (Fall 0:27)
Round 3
- Alicia Ramieriz (Finneytown) 6-6, Fr. over Tristan Bryd (Space Coast) 1-1, . (Fall 0:52)
132 Gold
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – A Pina of Olympic Heights
- 2nd Place – C Bonilla of Lyman
- 3rd Place – I Drake of Ridge Community
- 4th Place – P Pinerio of Astronaut
1st Place Match
- A Pina (Olympic Heights) 3-0, . over C Bonilla (Lyman) 2-1, . (Fall 1:02)
3rd Place Match
- I Drake (Ridge Community) 3-1, . over P Pinerio (Astronaut) 2-2, . (Fall 5:13)
132 Silver
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – E Bates of Seabreeze
- 2nd Place – E Scott of Deland
- 3rd Place – L Anderson of Astronaut
- 4th Place – C Arrasmith of Bayside
1st Place Match
- E Bates (Seabreeze) 2-0, . over E Scott (Deland) 2-1, . (Fall 2:55)
3rd Place Match
- L Anderson (Astronaut) 2-1, . over C Arrasmith (Bayside) 1-2, . (TF-1.5 5:21 (19-3))
190 Gold
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – M Alsobrook of Space Coast
- 2nd Place – J Hayes of Viera
- 3rd Place – P Ricks of Olympic Heights
- 4th Place – G Perkins of Deland
1st Place Match
- M Alsobrook (Space Coast) 3-0, . over J Hayes (Viera) 1-1, . (Fall 4:43)
3rd Place Match
- P Ricks (Olympic Heights) 2-1, . over G Perkins (Deland) 1-2, . (SV-1 7-5)
190 Silver
Guaranteed Places
- 1st Place – L Churchel of Bayside
- 2nd Place – K Oye of Bayside
- 3rd Place – B Kelly of Seabreeze
- 4th Place – A Gisondi of Astronaut
1st Place Match
- L Churchel (Bayside) 2-0, . over K Oye (Bayside) 1-1, . (Fall 0:07)
3rd Place Match
- B Kelly (Seabreeze) 2-1, . over A Gisondi (Astronaut) 1-2, . (Fall 1:27)
Team Scores:
1 | Olympic Heights | 364.0 |
2 | Viera | 352.5 |
3 | Deland | 246.5 |
4 | Lyman | 146.5 |
5 | Space Coast | 138.5 |
6 | Bayside | 119.0 |
7 | Seabreeze | 106.5 |
8 | Finneytown | 90.0 |
9 | Titusville | 86.0 |
10 | Astronaut | 71.0 |
11 | Ridge Community | 30.0 |
12 | Finneytown B | 10.0 |